The paper introduces the connotative meaning of establishing green community and expounding the thought and suggestion about establishing green community in Jiangxi province. 文章介绍了“绿色社区”创建的内涵和意义,阐述了江西省推动“绿色社区”创建工作的思考和建议。
It is the precondition of ascertaining connotative meaning of unauthorized disposal behavior to understand disposal behavior correctly. 对处分行为的正确理解是界定无权处分内涵的前提。
A definition paper discusses abstract terms such as liberty, equality, beauty, love, hate, etc., the denotative and especially connotative meanings of which are open to various interpretations. 定义说明文讨论抽象词语,如自由、平等、美、爱情和恨等等,不同的人对于这些抽象词语有不同的解释。
Countermeasure and Practice of Improving Connotative Quality of Electronic Medical Records 提高电子病历内涵质量的对策和做法
Poets break the tie of language in order to extend the connotative meaning of ordinary words and seek for poetic beauty. 诗人打破语言规范对诗性的束缚,寻求语言的诗性张力。
From Mode of Production to Managerial Mode: Connotative Reanalysis of Managerial Mode of Agriculture 从生产方式到经营方式:农业经营方式内涵的重新分析
Academic Accreditation: A Direct Incentive for Connotative Construction of Newly Established Institutions of Higher Learning 教学评估:新建本科院校内涵建设的直接动力
The role of teachers has the connotative characteristics of conception, system, practice, subjectivity and creativity. 教师角色具有理念性、系统性、实践性、主体性、创造性等内涵性特征。
Accurate interpretation of the connotative meaning of the appeal is the base for improving the conditions of China's civil appeals. 上诉涵义的准确诠释是完善我国民事上诉条件的基础。
My current problem with the English language is the ability to understand the complete connotative meanings of words. 我英语目前欠缺的是完整理解单词的隐含意义的能力。
Research on the essence of knowledge while focusing on the denotative and connotative meaning of concepts. In order to form students 'problem-solving competence and environment-protection sense, we should employ eclectic teaching method to help students break through the key and difficult points. 探究知识的本质,注重概念的内涵和外延,在教学中结合学生实际,采用多种教学方法,突破教学的重点和难点,培养学生解决问题的能力及环境保护的意识。
This paper expounds the connotative meaning of the knowledge economy and the recognition of the development of knowledge economy, and points out that the economic morphology in information era is the knowledge economy. 阐述了知识经济的含义及对发展知识经济的认识,指出信息时代的经济形态就是知识经济。
Connotative of these two definitions are compared with IT Service which referred by domestic industry professionals and Computer Service which referred by foreign government statistic agencies. 研究了这一概念与国内产业界所指的IT服务、国外政府统计机构所指的计算机服务等概念之间的关系。
Its uses in Chinese involve the secondary meaning and the connotative meaning of the color. 红色在汉语中的比喻用法涉及到它的第二含义和引申义。
Results This method could make a full use of the connotative regulations of historical data and experts 'experience to improve the engineering analysis accuracy. 结果该方法能充分应用历史数据的隐含规则与专家经验来提高工程分析的准确度。
These inference services can easily find the connotative information of knowledge and inconsistencies in the knowledge definition. 这些推理服务能够很好的发现知识中隐藏的信息并且能够发现知识定义中相互矛盾的概念。
"The Three Represents" highly summarizes the connotative essence of the Party ′ s progressiveness and endows it with new demands of the era. 三个代表是对党的先进性本质内涵的高度概括,赋予党的先进性以新的时代要求。
The first part presents not only a deep analysis about law characters, action characters and norm elements of due professional conducts but also gives a reasonable and scientific definition to the connotative concept of due professional conducts after comparison with and reference to others. 正当业务行为概论部分深入分析了正当业务行为的法律属性、行为属性和规范要素,并在比较借鉴的基础上,对正当业务行为的概念内涵下了一个较为科学合理的定义。
The interaction and co restriction of the connotative meanings of words in sentence correspond to the grammatical structure, semantic structure and pragmatic structure of sentences in deep structure. 语句中词的色彩意义的相互影响和制约与句子的句法结构、语义结构和语用结构之间有着某种深层的对应关系。
Connotative Study of English Vocabulary: A Semantic Analysis 从语义分析和文化内涵的角度探讨英语词汇学习
The denotative and connotative definitions of Marx 'productive labour are changing with the changes of productive objectives and productive relations. Such changes can be divided into three levels, and therefore, the different denotative concept of productive labour comes into being. 认为马克思关于生产劳动的内涵和外延的界定是随着生产目的和生产关系的变化而变化的,是分三个层次展开的,由此产生了不同外延的生产劳动概念。
This paper discusses the differences between the language of Chinese and English from three respects: the reflective meaning of animals 、 numbers and the connotative meaning of words of colors. 本文从具有典型代表的动物比喻、数字联想、颜色词的内涵意义三个方面,浅谈英语与汉语之间的差别。
The cultural connotative meaning of plant nouns can be classified according to their functional characteristics. 植物名词的文化内涵意义可根据其功能特点进行分类。
The similarities and differences of the connotative meanings of different kinds of words of color in English and Chinese reflect the generality and unique magic of English and Chinese cultures. 英汉两种语言中各类颜色词语用意义的异同,反映了英汉两种文化的共性和各自独特的魅力。
Dynamic Connotative Meanings Of Words And Grammatical Structure Semantic Structure Pragmatic Structure 词的动态色彩意义与句法结构、语义结构和语用结构
The thesis mainly explores the inseparable relationship between the establishment of connotative meaning of a language unit and its context. 本文主要破解了隐含意义的确立与语境密不可分的关系。
Connotative meaning of euphemism indicates different social value sense and national psychology reflected by euphemism's national value; 委婉语的内涵语义说明了由其民族性反映出的社会价值观和民族心理;
The abundance content and connotative meaning of Tarkovsky's movie view is very helpful for us. 塔尔科夫斯基电影观所包含的丰富内容和深刻内涵必将为我们提供有益的借鉴和启示。
Then, the theory, calculation and connotative meaning of EVA management evaluation system were introduced. 第三章介绍了EVA管理评价体系相关的理论、计算和内在涵义。
In this paper, According to experience, we study the connotative meaning of MES, give off executing methods and procedure, Clarify the importance of MES to establish digitized enterprise. 结合企业实施MES的经验,研究了MES的内涵,给出了MES实施的方法与步骤,阐述了MES对于建立数字化企业的意义。